Planters: Inspired by an article I recently read in the March/April 2015 edition of OUTREACH magazine, let me share the following ideas in order for you to contemplate possible uses in your new congregation for city impact:
A.D.--- the Bible Continues is a 12-week television series airing on NBC beginning April 5th. If used well, A.D. could very well be the tool you need for great post-Resurrection Day follow-up! I believe the series will not only engage your current congregants, but also serve as a means of outreach to those in your community who are unchurched, yet are still intrigued this spring by the power of the Easter message and want to somehow get connected to the Christian faith.
What is the television series about? A.D. speaks to the birth of the Christian Church, connecting historical facts to spiritual drama through the first 10 chapters of Acts. The series starts live on the evening of Easter Sunday, April 5th. I realize, of course, that most of you have already planned your Holy Week messages, but here are some thoughts to how you can still use the videos:
1). Order right now the official A.D. Church Kit via, and you'll receive sermon outlines that work with each of the 12 TV shows. You'll also get video preview clips and a Study/Guidebook. From there, either develop an A.D. preaching series for post-Easter into the summer months, or wait until fall as a kick-off series that could also impact your September youth ministries and small group start-ups.
2). Or, record the show and play it over the big screens of your church facility, or in the homes of your small groups, at your convenience. The great thing about showing A.D. at your church facility is that it gives folks outside your congregation "public permission" to come and see and then get their questions engaged. If you don't want to record the show, then air it live at your church! Promote and invite people from outside your congregation, then end each night with a question and answer session...perhaps even some ministry time!
These are just two ideas for how to use this up-coming television series to teach the faith and reach the lost. Might something work for your culture?
Friends: even though you may have already planned out your sermon-series of Easter through the month of May, you can still easily implement this great biblical tool into your ministry this spring while the story is hot. Video clips could be used Sunday mornings to encourage people to watch the show Sunday nights. So, whether you develop a Sunday morning sermon series, or small group gatherings around A.D.--- the Bible Continues, clearly the TV show can be a great culture-touching tool that gets people talking on Monday mornings in the marketplace about the Christian faith!
Call to Missional Leadership Inspiration!