"Leaders are for the sake of mission. Mission is for the sake of God." Bob Logan
This coming May 3-6 in Columbus, Ohio, the LCMC Ministry Board is hosting a great opportunity for learning, developing and deploying greater biblical leadership. This, for the sake of greater mission...which is for the sake of greater impact...which is for the sake of Jesus' Great(er) Commission! Please go to lcmc.net and check-out the needed background information and registration details for the iFollow: 2015 Leadership Conference...life in the way of Jesus.
It promises to be deeply meaningful and fun, but maybe some of you leaders are feeling flooded by all your individual in-house responsibilities. If that's the case, then attending the May conference on leadership is even more crucial for you and your congregation! Perhaps the conference experience will transform your mind from inward duties to outward delights?! Your congregational stats may, or may not, grow from a renewed sense of "what is biblical leadership," but your kingdom influence will--- and isn't that the real point of life in the way of Jesus?
Of course, all the hard work that goes into seeking greater worship attendance and developing more fluid programming within our congregations is certainly worthy of your attention, but only if the greater attendance and programming is leading to greater discipleship for greater city impact in Christ! Look to 2 Kings 4:1-7 and see that when our motivation is to give and grow outward for kingdom impact, we'll always find more oil in the jar--- for ourselves, and for our ministries to move forward and into our respective cities.
I recently came across this situation myself. I was sensing that most of our 800 LCMC congregations were disconnected from our church planting vision of "1,000 in 10." I sensed many of our leaders were ok with the idea, but it was just not for them. With that in mind, our newly formed LCMC Mission Team recently came together to pray-storm the next steps for developing our church planting mission. We knew we didn't have a financial problem, nor a faith problem...but we believed the LCMC was experiencing a leadership problem. Leaders, that is, for the sake of mission and mission for the sake of God! From our meeting, we sensed the Lord gave us the following steps of strategy:
1). Start Small. I'm going to be meeting/connecting with 35 of our most mission-minded congregational leaders over the next year.
2). Go Deep. When we meet/connect, it is to begin gelling together in a missional mindset that goes way beyond the four walls of our church facilities.
3). Think Big. When 35 of our congregations begin moving forward as bold models of missional success, we are believing that other congregations will be inspired to join together in the same kingdom endeavor.
While it would be wonderful to get buy-in and full participation from everyone in the LCMC, the secret is, we don't need it. Jesus called some who chose not to follow him in mission. And when they didn't follow, he went on with his work anyway, focusing on those who had ears to hear. Trying to develop those who don't want development will actually become counterproductive, creating a drag on those who are truly motivated.
Leaders, think on this: too often I've mixed-up the difference between training people for mission and orientating them for mission. Maybe you have too? Orientation is like a ball team studying game film in the locker room, while training is more like implementing what was learned in orientation by actual engagement on the practice field. Great leadership is knowing the difference. Great leadership is doing both, well. Great leadership is learning to first follow Jesus and his way. After all, many of you Christian leaders are tired of talking about the same old things without them making much of a difference. You want to see lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, marriages restored and people released from addictions. A vision like that is compelling, urgent, and energizing for all. It's leadership for the sake of mission...and mission for the sake of God!
Please consider registering TODAY for the May 3-6, iFollow Leadership Conference in Columbus, Ohio (host: Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, in Hilliard, OH). Then, let's anticipate God will stir us and our work will be empowered!
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