Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bi-Vocational Church Planting: the way of the future?

Part of my calling as Coordinator for New Ministry Development in the LCMC, is to advocate with our existing congregations the need for "Mother Churches."  In other words, churches that are willing to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit to multiply themselves with biblical influence (in their respective cities, states or districts) by assisting in birthing new churches.

Such Mother Churches are missional ministries of great leadership--- recognizing and lifting-up potential planters from within their own ranks--- either sending them to seminary training and/or encouraging them with "contract" pastoral training.  Churches can also pool funding with other LCMC churches and assist a new planter in, or out, of their area.  Or, they can do a combination!  There is great freedom in the LCMC to do great kingdom work!

ON THE OTHER HAND....what seems to be a national trend, and maybe even the way-of-the-future in effective missional planting, is for more and more planters to see themselves as BIVO...or Bi-Vocational.  BIVO is where a planter works full or part-time at a job that supports themselves and/or family, while also working at leading a launch team for planting a new ministry movement.  The plant may one day lead to a full-time paid position, or not.  Some planters are thinking that having one foot in the daily marketplace and one foot in the temple, is an excellent way to better connect with people on a daily basis--- especially with the growing number of "nones." (no faith, or at least, no connection to a church family).  See my previous June 1, 2015 blog for the story of Jonathan Haseley, and his BIVO work in Niagara Falls, NY.  

Therefore, contrary to what some may believe, BIVO planters don't have to feel left to the wolves.  No way!  That is why I'm delighted to announce there is a training conference coming up that is directly speaking into the BIVO way of planting--- it's encouraging and strategic!  Not only that, we already have ONE OF OUR CURRENT LCMC CHURCH PLANTERS, Eric Hulstrand, who is set to go.  Eric would love to have you join him!

Some details:
Pastor Eric Hulstrand of Realife Church in Bloomington, Minnesota
Cell: 612-741-6615
(Eric has a housing connection, so that would eliminate one major expense!).

Go to for greater details and registration for the conference, held August 7-8, 2015, at Denver Seminary in Denver, Colorado.  Sponsored by the Forge Network.

Let me know if you are going!  A $500.00 scholarship is available for attending the conference, through me, for those who are serious about BIVO planting.

Dan Clites

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