One good way to start 2015 is to ask the following questions....
Q: How does a business stay RELEVANT to the culture it is serving?
A: By keeping a pulse on what the people (will) need or (will) want, then quickly serving-up that product in an affordable and effective manner.
Q: How, then, can a business become IRRELEVANT?
A: By doing just the opposite of the above answer!
Rick Warren, pastor and author of The Purpose Driven Life, has said, "...churches become IRRELEVANT when the speed of change around them is faster than the speed of change in them." Since hearing that quote, I've been seeking to help churches re-discover their Godly vision-mission-and-values so they can stay (or become again) relevant to the culture they are trying to reach.
Seem too difficult? Here's the deal: we have a great advantage as Christians! After all, when we are operating in the power of the Holy Spirit, and not just in tradition or doctrine, we experience the heart and soul of Jesus who gives his power with his authority. When that happens, change is constant in us. We are being born brand new each day with greater, Godly insight! (see Romans 12:2).
Here's the DNA of Relevance:
D = DEVELOP a laboratory mentality in your church. In other words, create an experimenting culture of always trying something new and then never stop trying. I say, "If you alway do what you've always done...you are done!"
N = NEVER stop learning! All leaders are life-long learners. Disciples are student leaders of the Rabbi Jesus. Sticking close to Jesus will automatically keep you relevant--- not because you are doing the latest, hippest ministry thing (using twitter, etc. etc), but because you are constantly practicing the Great Commandment and Great Commission.
A = ACKNOWLEDGE the grief. There is no growth without change. There is no change without loss. There is no loss without pain. There is no pain without grief. People who are often opposed to an idea of yours are not necessarily against you or your idea...they are simply grieving. Learn to lead people's emotions in a Godly manner. Honor the past without perpetuating the past.
Friends: Practice these DNA thoughts with the truth of the gospel as the core, and I believe the speed of change in you and your church will be faster than the speed of change in the culture. That's when you become exactly what the culture longs for and desperately needs--- the real HOPE of Christ!
HAPPY NEW YEAR with God's blessings to achieve great things because you are following the Great One!
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