Sunday, May 4, 2014


I just returned from the annual Exponential Conference in Orlando, where some 5,000 planter-types gathered to be empowered and equipped with God's missional mindset for both planting new churches and strengthening current congregations.  It was fun to be there with 8 of our LCMC planters, some with their spouses.  Each one was struck by something new God wanted them to have for their particular missional situations.

Over the next couple weeks I thought I'd briefly share some of my take-aways from the conference--  tid-bits that might bless you--- whether you are a planter, or not!

Let's start with the suggestion that we Christians live a more questionable life.  What?  At first, that call seems to go against the grain of what we are suppose to be as believers, but that's not true.  For example, if we choose to always stay huddled with other Christians--- whether it be in worship, at work or school, in the neighborhood, at ball games, etc, we will never be able to shine before others so THEY can see God's glory on us!

To be Christian, is to be a follower of Jesus.  To follow him is to become his disciple (to be an apprentice).  To become a disciple of Jesus is to look more and more like him.  The point of discipleship is for others to want to be more like you, being more like Jesus, because they see real HOPE in you!  When that happens, they will ASK YOU, "what's up?"  You can then share your faith with someone who now has open ears.

People who are acting disconnected from Jesus won't be able to ask you what your hope is, unless they see you, in their presence, living in that hope.  That is why we are called to live a "more questionable life" in the midst of all people in daily life.  When you do, others will ask you about: your abounding joy in the midst of difficult situations, your courage in the midst of fearful situations, your persistence in the midst of stonewalling situations, your kindness in the midst of hateful situations, and your forgiveness in the midst of situations that harbor hard hearts, etc.

People won't ask you about Jesus unless you are with them and look different.  That's how the pagan rule of the Roman Empire was conquered---  by the questionable life-styles of the early Christians!  Gentiles watched as Christians lived lives full of hope, even the midst of terrible conditions.  The Gentiles asked questions of why and how because they wanted to be a part of a faith-movement that was changing people's lives!

Friends...God answers such life-and-death questions today.  So live a questionable life so others may ask, "What is your hope?  Then, be ready to share with grace.  The lost will then be found.  The blind will then see, and the world will be changed by us simply living as disciples of Jesus in every day life.  

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